Offset's Call Of Duty Ghost para editar fantasmas en 1.10


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  1. o_Dark_Ghosts_o
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    User deleted

    Nombre Y clan:

    Nombre: 0x0176da38
    Clan Tag: 0x00CC016A
    Etiqueta del clan Elite Color - 0x00CC016F
    Elite Clan Tag - 0x00CC0170
    Restaurar Nombre - 0x0176DA37 {0x00}

    Fiesta Nombres / Clan Tag:

    Fiesta nombre de cambiador
    Cliente 0: 0x00CCF5B4
    Cliente 1: 0xCD2CB4
    Cliente 2: 0xCD63B4
    Cliente 3: 0xCD9AB4
    Cliente 4: 0xCDD1B4
    Client 5: 0xCE08B4
    Cliente 6: 0xCE3FB4
    Cliente 7: 0xCE3FB4
    Cliente 8: 0xCE76B4
    Cliente 9: 0x00CAE7B4
    Cliente 10: 0xCEADB4
    Cliente 11: 0xCEE4B4

    Partido Clan Tag
    Cliente 0: 0x00CCF5D4
    Cliente 1: 0xCD2CD4
    Cliente 2: 0xCD63D4
    Cliente 3: 0xCD9AD4
    Cliente 4: 0xCDD1D4
    Client 5: 0xCE08D4
    Cliente 6: 0xCE3FD4
    Cliente 7: 0xCE76D4
    Cliente 8: 0xCEADD4
    Cliente 9: 0xCEE4D4
    Cliente 10: 0xCF1BD4
    Cliente 11: 0xCF89D4

    Índice 0x3700 cliente!


    ------------------------------ Prestige: 0x179651C Brigada Puntos: 0x1796224 Tiempo Jugado: 0x17916BE partidas jugadas: 0x1791669 WinStreak: Pérdidas 0x179164D: 0x1791681 señoritas: 0x1791686 Solicitudes: 0x1791671 Killstreak: 0x179167D Muertes: 0x1791651 Muertes: 0x1791679 racha actual: 0x1791F4D Ganadas: 0x17916CA Puntuación: 0x17916A2 Desbloquear Todo: 0x017958A4 desbloquear todos Bytes: [Solo los usuarios registrados y activos pueden ver los enlaces. ] Nivel 60 (XP): Soldado 1 - 0x17925DA Soldado 2 - 0x1792B3E Soldado 3 - 0x17930A2 Soldado 4 - 0x1793606 Soldado 5 - 0x1793B6A Soldado 6 - 0x17940CE Soldado 7 - 0x1794632 Soldado 8 - 0x1794B96 Soldado 9 - 0x17950FA Soldado 10 - 0x179565E Soldado Nombres: S1: 0x17925B9 S2: 0x1792B1D S3: 0x1793081 S4: 0x17935E5 S5: 0x1793B49 S6: 0x17940AD S7: 0x1794611 S8: 0x1794B75 S9: 0x17950D9 S10: Clases 0x179563D: nombres de las clases S1: C1: C2 0x17922BB: 0x179233B C3: 0x17923BB C4: 0x179243B C5: 0x17924BB C6: 0x179253B extra loadout Nombres Genéricos: C1: C2 0x017AD215: 0x017AD292 C3: 0x017AD30f C4: 0x017AD38C S2 C1: 0x179281F C2: 0x179281F C3: 0x179291F C4: 0x179299F C5: 0x1792A1F C6: 0x1793003 extra loadout Nombres Genéricos: C1 C2 0x017AD409 0x017AD486 C3 0x017AD503 C4 0x017AD580 S3 C1: 0x01792D83 C2: 0x01792E04 C3: 0x01792E83 C4: 0x01792F03 C5: 0x01792F83 C6: 0x01793003 extra Nombres Loadout Clase: C1 C2 0x017AD5FD 0x017AD67A C3 C4 0x017AD6F7 0x017AD774 S4 C1: 0x17932E7 C2: 0x1793367 C3: 0x17933E7 C4: 0x1793467 C5: 0x17934E7 C6: 0x1793567 extra loadout Nombres Genéricos: C1 C2 0x017AD7F1 0x017AD86E C3 C4 0x017AD8EB 0x017AD968 S5 C1: 0x179384C C2: 0x17938CC C3: 0x179394C C4: 0x17939CC C5: 0x1793A4C C6: 0x1793ACC extra loadout Nombres Genéricos: C1 C2 0x017AD9E5 0x017ADA62 C3 C4 0x017ADADF 0x017ADB5C S6 C1: 0x1793DB0 C2: 0x1793E30 C3: 0x1793EB0 C4: 0x1793F30 C5: 0x1793FB0 C6: 0x1794030 extra loadout Nombres Genéricos: C1 C2 0x017ADBD9 0x017ADC56 C3 C4 0x017ADCD3 0x017ADD50 S7 C1: 0x1794314 C2: 0x1794394 C3: C4: 0x1794414 0x1794494 C5: 0x1794514 C6: 0x1794594 extra loadout Nombres Genéricos: C1 C2 0x017ADDCD 0x017ADE4A C3 C4 0x017ADEC7 0x017ADF44 S8 C1: 0x1794878 C2: 0x17948F8 C3: 0x1794978 C4: 0x17949F8 C5: 0x1794A78 C6: 0x1794AF8 extra loadout Nombres Genéricos: C1 C2 0x017ADFC1 0x017AE03E C3 C4 0x017AE0BB 0x017AE138 S9 C1: C2 0x1794DDC : 0x1794E5C C3: 0x1794EDC C4: 0x1794F5C C5: 0x1794FDC C6: 0x179505C extra loadout Nombres Genéricos: C1 C2 0x017AE1B5 0x017AE232 C3 C4 0x017AE2AF 0x017AE32C S10 C1: 0x01795340 C2: 0x17953C0 B C3: C4 B 0x1795440: 0x17954C0 B C5: 0x179553F B C6: 0x17955C0 B extra loadout Nombres Genéricos: C1 C2 0x017AE3A9 0x017AE426 C3 C4 0x017AE4A3 0x017AE520

    Clientes Compensaciones:

    Nombre en el juego: 0x00f4751c (0 x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Etiqueta del clan en el Juego: 0x00f4758c (0 x3700 Client Intervnal)

    Dios Mod:

    Offset: 0x00e0462a (0 x280 Client Intervnal)
    0xFF, 0xFF - On
    0x00, 0x64 - Off

    Espectador Dios Mod:

    Offset: 0x00f44492 0xFF - On, 0x40 - Off (0 x3700 Client Intervnal)

    Último Munición:

    Utilice 0x0F, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF para munición unlimted o reemplazar con 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64 para 100 balas
    Munición primario: 0x00f449d8 (0 x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Munición principal del clip: 0xF448E8 (0 x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Munición secundario: 0xF449E8 (0 x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Secundaria Ammo clip: 0xF448F8 (0 x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Munición letal: 0xF449B8 (0 x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Munición táctica: 0xF449C8 (0 x3700 Client Intervnal)

    Dale en jarras:

    Arma principal: 0x00f447c1 (0 x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Arma secundaria: 0x00f447d1 (0 x3700 Client Intervnal)
    0x01 - En
    0x00 - Para quitárselo

    Cajas de Orange y tercera persona:

    Offset: 0x00f44493 (0 x3700 Client Intervnal)
    0x50 - Cajas rojas
    0x07 - 3 ª persona
    0x57 - 3 ª persona y Red Cajas
    0x00 - Para quitárselo


    0x00f475e7 (0 x3700 cliente Intervnal)
    0x01 - UAV
    0x00 - Para quitárselo

    Todos Perks + Balas explosivas:

    Offset: 0x00f44eac On - (0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF ,0xFF) Off - (0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)


    Offset: 0x00f4779f (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
    0x00 - Normal
    0x01 - No Clip
    0x02 - UFO MOD
    0x04 - Freeze

    Location Offset (Teleport):

    0x00f4449c(x, y, z) (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Replace with those bytes for "Screamer":
    0x00 0x7F 0xC0 0x00 0x00 0x7F 0xC0 0x00 0x00 0x7F 0xC0 0x00 0x00 0xDF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xDF 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xDF 0x00
    To turn off the screamer you must to suicide.

    Kill Client:

    Offset: 0x00f4448f (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
    (0xFF - Kill)

    Skate Mod (No Friction):

    Offset: 0x00f4448e(+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
    (0x01 - On 0x08 - Off)

    Change Team:

    Offset: 0x00f474e3 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Spectator Team - 0x03
    Ghosts Team - 0x02
    Federation Team - 0x01

    Status In Game:

    Kills - 0x00f475d2 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Deaths - 0x00f475d4 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Assists - 0x00f475d6 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Score - 0x00f475d0 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Captures - 0x00f475d9 (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
    Length: 0x2

    Give Laser And Jammer:

    Offset: 0xF445A5
    0x03 - Give Laser
    0x20 - Take Weapons
    0x48 - Give Jammer

    Speed x2:

    Offset: 0x00f474d0
    On - 0x40
    Off - 0x3F

    Rabbit Mod:

    Offset: 0x00f474d0
    0xFF - On
    0x3F - Off

    Give Lag:

    Offset: 0x00f4741f (+0x3700 Client Intervnal)
    0x0F - On
    0x02 - Off

    SV_GameSendServerCommand Commands:

    Offset: 0x590EA0
    a - No Gun
    l - Game Volume (1- Normal 2 - High 3 - Loud 0 - Mute)
    e "Print Killfeed"
    c "Print Center"
    n 10109 = beginnging sound on game
    n 5161 = guy saying "free for all"
    d 958 "mpintro" 0
    r = Kick with error (Exmple: ^1GTFO My Lobby)
    n 10299 = guy says "time to work ghost squad"
    i - blury (Set i cg_fov 90 for blury, i 0 Turn off)
    q Dvar - But the dvars are numbers now.
    J Set Vision:
    Some Visions For Exmple:
    Algunos Dvars:
    q 23 3500 - Compass Size 3500
    q 13 90 = q cg_fov 90
    q 132 10 = "ICE Screen"

    Disable Char Check:

    Offset: 0x375D80
    Desactivar de Char Check: 0x41

    Nombre de la lista de reproducción:

    Offset: 0x149EA10

    Lucha contra Ban:

    byte [] = new byte AntiBan [] {0x02}; PS3.SetMemory (0x06FC487, AntiBan); / / Informe índice Check
    byte [] = new byte AntiBan1 [] {0x02}; PS3.SetMemory (0x06FB40B, AntiBan1); / / Comprobar Challanges
    byte [] = new byte AntiBan2 [] {0x02}; PS3.SetMemory (0x06FB77F, AntiBan2); Verificación / / Informe Cid
    byte [] = new byte AntiBan3 [] {0x00}; PS3.SetMemory (0x06FC48B, AntiBan3); / / Deamonware de verificación
    byte [] = new byte AntiBan4 [] {0x02}; PS3.SetMemory (0x06FC4C3, AntiBan4); / / Deamonware de verificación
    byte [] = new byte AntiBan5 [] {0x00}; PS3.SetMemory (0x06FC48F, AntiBan5); / / Comprobar DeamonWare
    byte [] = new byte newban [] {0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; PS3.SetMemory (0x057A47C, newban);

    Vestíbulo Compensaciones:

    Full Auto: 0x10D564 (0x3B, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00 - On | 0x3B, 0x60, 0x00, 0x01 - Off)
    Super Jump: 0x000eb284 (0x44, 0x61 - Mayor) (0x45, 0x48 - Muy Alta) (0x00, 0x00 - No Jump) (0x42, 0x9C - Por defecto)
    Super Speed: 0x0022c48c (0x38, 0xA0, 0x00, 0xBE - por defecto) (0x38, 0xA0, 0x01, 0xBE - Fast) (0x20, 0xA0, 0x05, 0xBE-Muy rápido)
    FallDamage: 0x000f7b3c (0x47, 0x49, 0x00 0x7F - Sin Daños Fall) (0x43, 0x00, 0x00 - Por defecto) (0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 - caer y morir)
    Gravedad: 0x0022e2e0 (0x38, 0xA0, 0x00, 0x50 - Menor) (0x38, 0xA0, 0x05, 0x50 - Mayor) (0x38, 0xA0, 0x00, 0x50 - Muy Alta) (0x38, 0xA0, 0x03, 0x20 - Por defecto)


    Offset: 0x00f4754c
    0x02 - Dead 0x00 - Alive

    Extinción Prestige Y Nivel:

    Nivel Offset: 0x1798D13 (0xFF 0x10 0x02 - Nivel 31)
    Prestige Offset: 0x1798D1A (0A - Prestige 10, 0B - Prestige 11)


    | 0x0036B1D0 - Menu_PaintAll_DrawVisibleList (char * stringBegin, UiContext * dc) | | 0x0023BCC0 - PlayerCmd_ClonePlayer (scr_entref_t entref) | | 0x00232EEC - PlayerCmd_GiveStartAmmo (scr_entref_t entref) | | 0x002318D8 - PlayerCmd_GiveWeapon (scr_entref_t entref) | | 0x00233FE8 - PlayerCmd_GetAngles (scr_entref_t entref) | | 0x00233F24 - PlayerCmd_SetAngles (scr_entref_t entref) | | 0x0023B868 - PlayerCmd_Suicide (scr_entref_t entref) | | 0x0023BB8C - PlayerCmd_Spawn (scr_entref_t entref) | | 0x0023F920 - Player_Die (gentity_s * uno mismo, gentity_s * inflictor, gentity_s * atacante, int daños, int meansOfDeath, int iWeapon, contras | BG_GetPerkIndexForName (const char * perkName) - 0xF5E78 BG_GetWeaponIndexForName (const char * nombre, nula (__cdecl * regWeap) (unsigned int)) - 0x11B1E4 G_GetWeaponIndexForName (const char * name) - 0x292984 SV_ExecuteClientCommand (client_s * cl, const char * s, int clientOK) - 0x5D1868 SV_UnLinkEntity (gentity_s * Gent) - 0x329D10 SV_LinkEntity (gentity_s * Gent) - 0x329D90 G_spawn (void) - 0x28EAB8 SV_GameSendServerCommand (int clientNum, tipo svscmd_type, const char * text) - 0x590EA0 Cbuf_AddText (int localClientNum , const char * text) - 0x2AF8AC SV_SetBrushModel (gentity_s * ent) - 0x4CE068 sp_script_model (gentity_s * pSelf) - 0x2843C0 G_GivePlayerWeapon (playerState_s * pPS, int iWeaponIndex, carbón de leña altModelIndex) - 0x29244C G_SetAngle (gentity_s * ent, ángulo float const *) - 0x28F4D0 G_SetOrigin (gentity_s * ent, origen float const *) - 0x28F2A4 TeleportPlayer (gentity_s * reproductor, origen float *, flotar ángulos *) - 0x24FC98 SV_SendServerCommand (client_s * cl, tipo svscmd_type, const char * fmt) - 0x62BCD8 SetClientViewAngle (gentity_s * ent, ángulo float const *) - 0x22F8C0 G_RadiusDamage (const float * const, gentity_s *, * gentity_s, float, float, float, float, float * const, gentity_s *, int, int) - 0x241AD0 CG_BoldGameMessage (int localClientNum, const char *msg) - 0x56685C CG_GameMessage(int localClientNum, const char *msg) - 0x64881C SV_GetUserinfo(int index, char *buffer, int bufferSize) - 0x545D7C G_SetClientContents(gentity_s *) - 0x22B62C G_LocalizedStringIndex(const char * string) - 0x33580 Dvar_FindVar(const char *dvarName) - 0x52D73C G_MaterialIndex(const char * name) - 0x3156C PlayerCMD_ClonePlayer(scr_entref_t entref) - 0x23BCC0 SetClientViewAngle1(gentity_s *ent, const float *angle) - 0x22F8C0 CG_FireWeapon(int, centity_s *, int, ushort, uint playerState_s const * ) - 0x69FBE0 CL_GamepadButtonEvent(localClientNum int, int key, int unten, unsigned int time) - 0x18C414 client_s Pointer - 0x23F238 G_Model: 0x28D6AC Key_isdown: 0x18D888 LocalName: 0x177DA38 playercmd_suicide: 0x23B868 R_AddCmdDrawText: 0x472328 FPS: 0x36B270 G_Hudelems: 0x243C00 CG_Draw2D: 0x1477A8 R_AddCmdDrawStretchPic: 0x4CFD74 GodMode All Clients: 0x23B650 Jump: 0xEB284 Speed: 0x22C48C SV_KickClient: 0x53CA5C G_InitalizeAmmo: 0x248988 G_SelectWeaponIndex: 0x290F34 GetViewModelWeaponIndex: 0x11B5D0 | 0x00607FAC - COM_ERROR (errorParm_t code, const char * fmt) | | 0x005F8FD4 - Dvar_FindVar(const char *name) | | 0x0057F630 - Dvar_FindMalleableVar(const char *dvarName) | | 0x00561E9C - Dvar_GetBool(const char *dvarName) | | 0x00671A2C - Dvar_GetInt(const char *dvarName) | | 0x0068EDE0 - Dvar_GetFloat(const char *dvarName) | | 0x0060F0E4 - Dvar_GetString(const char *dvarName) | | 0x00646054 - Dvar_SetIntByName(const char *dvarName, int value) | | 0x0018D888 - Key_IsDown(int localClientNum, int keynum) | | 0x0018D8C8 - Key_StringToKeynum(const char *str) | | 0x0018DA14 - Key_IsValidGamePadChar(const char key) | | 0x0018DA54 - Key_KeynumToString(int keynum, int translate) | | 0x00192284 - Key_KeynumToStringBuf(int keynum, char *buf, int buflen) | | 0x0018DF28 - Key_Unbind_f(void) | | 0x0018E03C - Key_Bind_f(void) | | 0x0018E9B8 - Key_ClearStates( int localClientNum) | | 0x0018EB50 - Key_SetCatcher(int localClientNum, int catcher) | | 0x0018EB24 - Key_RemoveCatcher(int localClientNum, int andMask) | | 0x0018DD84 - Key_GetCommandAssignmentInternal(int localClientNum, const char *command, int *twokeys, int gamePadOnly) | | 0x00540F54 - generateHashValue(const char *fname) | SP_scriptbrush_model: 0x284304 function_address = 0x0049F3D0; SV_GameSendServerCommand = 0x590EA0, Cbuf_AddText = 0x2AF8AC, function_address = 0x0049F3D0, G_SetModel = 0x0028D6AC, G_Entity = 0x00E04480, G_GivePlayerWeapon = 0x0029244C, Add_Ammo = 0x0246BE4, G_Client = 0xF44480, //FIXED G_Spawn = 0x28EAB8, SP_script_model = 0x2843C0, SV_UnlinkEntity = 0x329D10, SV_LinkEntity = 0x329D90; g_gametype = 0x01072368,

    No Host Offsets:

    UAV: 0x0013F42C (0x01 - On | 0x00 - Off)
    Laser: 0x0065B830 (0x28, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01 - On | 0x28, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00 - Off)
    Orange Boxes: 0x00147B14 (0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 - On | 0x41, 0x82, 0x00, 0x0c - Off)
    No Recoil: 0x0069FF30 (0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 - On | 0x4B, 0xA7, 0xF3, 0xD9 - Off)
    Advanced UAV: 0x0013F418 (0x6B, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00 - On | 0x6B, 0x18, 0x00, 0x01 - Off)
    Chrome Players: 0x00477A28 (0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01 - On | 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00 - Off) 0x00477A2B
    Super Steady Aim: 0x120064 (0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00 - On | 0x2C, 0x03, 0x00, 0x02 - Off)
    Big Mini Map:0x0229A4DD (0xDF - On | 0x80 - Off)
    Fog:0x02284A14 (0x00 - Disable Fog | 0x01 - Enable Fog)
    Wallhack:0x02284984 (0x42 - On | 0x40 - Off)
    Third Person:0x022A1Fc4 (0x01 - On | 0x00 - Off)
    Mini Map on Hardcore:0x0228B580 (0x01 - On | 0x00 - Off)


    # Region teclado public static string RunKeyBoard (int clientIndex, string Título, string PresetText = "", int MaxLength = 20) {RPC.CallFunction (0x3630F8, new object [] {clientIndex, Título, PresetText, MaxLength, 0, 0xA69408, 0xA72A60 }); while (PS3.Extension.ReadInt32 (0xA8D064) = 0!) {} PS3.Extension.ReadString retorno (0x29E0E22); } # Endregion

    Mensaje Cuando Engendro del cliente:

    # Region onPlayerSpawned
    public void estática onPlayerSpawned (int cliente)
    if (PS3.Extension.ReadByte (0xF44480 + ((uint) cliente * 0x3700)) == 1)
    Thread.Sleep (2000);
    RPC.iPrintlnBold (cliente, "! ^ ^ 1Welcome 2Para ^ ^ 3El 4Modded ^ 5Lobby");
    RPC.iPrintln (cliente, "^ 2 Pulse [{+ melee}] para abrir el menú de la mod");
    # Endregion

    / / ¿Cómo llamar? -> OnPlayerSpawned (0);

    RPC Cex Y Dex:

    //CoD Ghosts RPC CEX/DEX - 1.10 #region RPC private static uint function_address = 0x0049F3D0; public static int CallFunction(uint func_address, params object[] parameters) { int length = parameters.Length; uint num2 = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (parameters[i] is int) { byte[] array = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)parameters[i]); Array.Reverse(array); PS3.SetMemory(0x10050000 + ((i + num2) * 4), array); } else if (parameters[i] is uint) { byte[] buffer2 = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)parameters[i]); Array.Reverse(buffer2); PS3.SetMemory(0x10050000 + ((i + num2) * 4), buffer2); } else if (parameters[i] is string) { byte[] buffer3 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Convert.ToString(parameters[i]) + "\0"); PS3.SetMemory(0x10050054 + (i * 0x400), buffer3); uint num4 = 0x10050054 + (i * 0x400); byte[] buffer4 = BitConverter.GetBytes(num4); Array.Reverse(buffer4); PS3.SetMemory(0x10050000 + ((i + num2) * 4), buffer4); } else if (parameters[i] is float) { num2++; byte[] buffer5 = BitConverter.GetBytes((float)parameters[i]); Array.Reverse(buffer5); PS3.SetMemory(0x10050024 + ((num2 - 1) * 4), buffer5); } } byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(func_address); Array.Reverse(bytes); PS3.SetMemory(0x1005004c, bytes); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); byte[] memory = new byte[4]; PS3.GetMemory(0x10050050, memory); Array.Reverse(memory); return BitConverter.ToInt32(memory, 0); } public static void WritePPC() { PS3.SetMemory(function_address, new byte[] { 0x4e, 0x80, 0, 0x20 }); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); byte[] memory = new byte[] { 0x7c, 8, 2, 0xa6, 0xf8, 1, 0, 0x80, 60, 0x60, 0x10, 5, 0x81, 0x83, 0, 0x4c, 0x2c, 12, 0, 0, 0x41, 130, 0, 100, 0x80, 0x83, 0, 4, 0x80, 0xa3, 0, 8, 0x80, 0xc3, 0, 12, 0x80, 0xe3, 0, 0x10, 0x81, 3, 0, 20, 0x81, 0x23, 0, 0x18, 0x81, 0x43, 0, 0x1c, 0x81, 0x63, 0, 0x20, 0xc0, 0x23, 0, 0x24, 0xc0, 0x43, 0, 40, 0xc0, 0x63, 0, 0x2c, 0xc0, 0x83, 0, 0x30, 0xc0, 0xa3, 0, 0x34, 0xc0, 0xc3, 0, 0x38, 0xc0, 0xe3, 0, 60, 0xc1, 3, 0, 0x40, 0xc1, 0x23, 0, 0x48, 0x80, 0x63, 0, 0, 0x7d, 0x89, 3, 0xa6, 0x4e, 0x80, 4, 0x21, 60, 0x80, 0x10, 5, 0x38, 160, 0, 0, 0x90, 0xa4, 0, 0x4c, 0x90, 100, 0, 80, 0xe8, 1, 0, 0x80, 0x7c, 8, 3, 0xa6, 0x38, 0x21, 0, 0x70, 0x4e, 0x80, 0, 0x20 }; PS3.SetMemory(function_address + 4, memory); PS3.SetMemory(0x10050000, new byte[0x2854]); PS3.SetMemory(function_address, new byte[] { 0xf8, 0x21, 0xff, 0x91 }); } #endregion

    Unknuawn - function address
    Choco - For the original RPC
    ItsLollo1000 - Addresses
    xHostModder - Fixed All Perks Bytes
    SnaY - onPlayerSpawn Function
    D3skm - Parrty Names
    zSunriseModz - Some Bytes
    MoTmrD - Offsets
    Crocky - No Host Steady Aim
    iMoDz-Baptiste - Playlist Name's + Full auto
    coreconfusion - Prestige Offset (Status)
    1austin112 - Status Offsets
    Seb5594 - Addresses
    ErasedDev - No Host
    Sharks - Keyboard
    Mango_Knife - No Host + Clients + Lobby Offsets.terminator
  2.     Like  

    Lo que empiezo, lo termino.

    En algún lugar del Espacio

    Genial, gran aporte, jejje ;)

1 replies since 9/4/2014, 12:25   133 views